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Mar Morán

Mar Morán (1992)

| Испания


Концертмейстер | Justas Čeponis

The soprano Mar Morán was born in Badajoz, and it is in that city where she finished the professional degree of Piccolo Flute. Her vocal training began with Delia Agúndez and Teresa Loring. Shortly after, she entered the Professional Conservatory of Music "Victoria de los Ángeles" (Madrid) where she finished her studies obtaining the End of Grade Prize and the Extraordinary Prize of Music of the Community of Madrid in the specialty of Singing, under the tutelage of the teacher Elena Muñoz Valdelomar. She finished her higher singing studies with the soprano Victoria Manso at the Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid with honors in singing and repertoire. From the hands of H.M. Queen Sofia, she received one of the scholarships awarded by Juventudes Musicales (2015) to study abroad. She has also received a scholarship from the Asociación "Amigos de la Ópera de Madrid". She has received master classes from Alicia Amo, Alex Ashworth, David Mason, José Hernández Pastor, Sandra Medeiros, Armando Possante and Plácido Domingo. She has performed the role of "Queen of the Night" in the opera Die Zauberflöte and the role of "Clarita" in the zarzuela La del Manojo de Rosas. She has participated in the VII Edition of Jaén Ópera Joven and as a soloist in several galas: "Gala Verdi" (Auditorio Nacional de Música de Madrid - Asociación A+Música); in the sixth edition of the workshop for young lyric singers Incanto Tignano 2018, in the 31st Tignano Festival per l'ambiente e l'incontro tra i popoli (La Toscana - Florence). In the Concert Song format, she has given countless recitals in Madrid for the Fundación Olivar de Castillejo, Fundación Juan March (Italienisches Liederbuch by Hugo Wolf), in Extremadura for the Instituto Extremeño de Canto y Dirección Coral at the Diputación de Badajoz, she has participated in the Mendigorría International Music Festival (Navarra) and in Portugal for the Gaia International Music Festival. She has also given live recitals for Classical Radio (RNE, "Sinfonía de la mañana"), and performed as soloist before H.M. Felipe VI in the 10th edition of the Carlos V European Award. She has also participated as soloist in the concert that the Amadeus Choir of Puebla de la Calzada offered in the Royal Monastery of Yuste in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the European Academy of Yuste Foundation. During the 2016-2019 seasons she has been part (Titular Soprano) of the Choir at the Teatro Real of Madrid participating in various productions of which "Moses und Aron" (Schönberg) under the musical direction of Lothar Koenigs stands out. It is at this stage where she performed a "particchino" in the opera "Idomeneo" by W. A. Mozart on the stage of the Teatro Real (2019). She has also been awarded a scholarship by the young talent program International Opera Academy (IOA) of Ghent (Belgium) as a postgraduate of the opera specialty to participate in the Opera Studio program 2019-2020. She has received numerous awards in different international and national competitions. She was the winner of the Lola Rodriguez of Aragon 2020 End of Degree Award, awarded by the Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid, she won the Primer Premi Absolut (First Absolute Prize) in the IV Concurs Internacional de Cant "Martín y Soler" 2021 in Valencia, won the 1st Prize awarded by the jury in the 9th International Contest of Habaneras for Lyric Soloists within the framework of the 67th International Contest of Habaneras and Polyphony 2021, won the 1st Prize in the 7th edition “Premio José Augusto Alegría, Concurs Internacional para Jovens intérpretes”(Évora-Portugal). Her recording debut has come with his album "Luna clara" with pianist Aurelio Viribay, backed by the American record label Odradek Records, which includes the complete set of songs by Spanish composer Jesús García Leoz, distributed in the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Canada. This album has also been awarded with the Premio Melómano de Oro by the prestigious Melómano Magazine (May 2021). Mar is closely linked to the Spanish concert song and proof of this is that in addition to the album she has released the song cycle "Juan Vázquez. “Remembranzas Líricas II" by composer Albert Alcaraz on the occasion of the closing of the Festival Internacional de Música Vocal Antigua de Extremadura 2021. She has performed the role of the Queen of the Night in the opera "Die Zauberflöte" by Mozart at the Teatro Campoamor in Oviedo in a production directed by Albert Estany and musically by Maestro Lucas Macías. Today it belongs to the international artists agency 'A piacere Musik” by agent Javier Santacana.


  • Гаэтано Доницетти | Лючия ди Ламмермур
    • Ария Лючии «Regnava nel silenzio»
  • Гюстав Шарпантье | Луиза
    • Ария Луизы «Depuis le jour»
  • II ТУР

  • Джузеппе Верди | Риголетто
    • Ария Джильды «Gualtier Malde..Caro nome»
  • Винченцо Беллини | Сомнамбула
    • Ария Амины «Ah! non credea mirarti… Ah! Non giunge»

  • Жюль Массне | Манон
    • Гавот Манон «Je marche sur tous les chemins... Obéissons quand leur voix appelle»
  • Джузеппе Верди | Травиата
    • Ария Виолетты «E strano!... Ah, fors'è lui»

  • Время выступления: 2023 Апр. 02 18:10 - 18:17 Литовский Национальный Театр Оперы и Балета (А. Виенуолио 1)




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    Grisha Martirosyan 2023 Апр. 02 18:45 - 18:55
    Mariana Mazur 2023 Апр. 02 18:31 - 18:38
    Mar Morán 2023 Апр. 02 18:10 - 18:17
    Vladyslav Tlushch 2023 Апр. 02 18:24 - 18:31

    II ТУР

    I ТУР